What’s the difference between MLS Policy Statement 8.0 and the Clear Cooperation Policy?

There is no difference. They refer to the same thing.


咨询一下你当地的MLS,看看他们是否有需要使用的特定表格. Texas REALTORS® has updated the Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement Exclusive Right to Sell (TXR-1101) and the Exclusive Agency Addendum to Listing (TXR-1403) to address the Clear Cooperation Policy.

在第一节中.3豁免清单,根据办公室独家政策,“经纪”是如何定义的? If it is left up to the state regulatory law (in Texas, 定义为赞助代理),可能与MLS参与者ID不同. For these reasons, can it be defined in writing?

第一节.3和明确的合作政策考虑“经纪”和“办公室”符合国家监管法律,而不是在当地MLS平台内分配的MLS参与者ID. These policies relate to a broker and their affiliated licensees. Look for further information on this issue at nar.realtor/clearcooperation. For purposes of Texas regulatory laws, “broker” means a sales agent’s sponsoring broker, 个人, or business entity.

一位邻居注意到隔壁的房子正在出售,于是向他以前的房产经纪人询问有关房产的详细信息. 然而, the property is not listed in the MLS. 如果邻居的经纪人联系待售房产的挂牌经纪人并收到有关房产出售的信息, will that constitute public marketing?

是的. 首先, the hypothetical says that a neighbor notices the house next door for sale, 可能是通过某种形式的公开营销,比如在房产上贴上“出售”的牌子. 像这样, even at this stage, 如果有某种形式的公开营销是引起邻国注意的原因,则会触发明确合作政策的要求. 然而, if this is not the case, 然后,在随后的电话中共享有关列表的信息,然后触发明确合作政策及其要求. 决定因素是在经纪公司之外共享“办公室独家”上市信息的通信, 这样就否定了卖家隐私的必要性,并承认公开发布房源符合卖家的最佳利益.

What is meant by an email blast? 在经纪办公室外发送一封电子邮件会被视为公开营销吗?

When discussing an email blast, NAR希望解决与非客户的沟通以及与公众的大规模沟通. 根据明确的合作政策,任何与公众的沟通(例如.e., non-clients) would be considered public marketing, whether it is a single email or a mass email blast to multiple recipients.

How is a “coming soon” listing defined? Can it be defined in writing?

NAR MLS Policy does not define “coming soon” listings. 2021十大正规彩票app标准组织已经在数据字典中采用“即将发布”作为标准状态. 此外,由于没有NAR政策,mss可能会在本地进一步定义这一点.

It has been noted that the policy is not a “coming soon” ban. 然而, if an MLS does not adopt a “coming soon” status, participants of that MLS will not be able to take “coming soon” listings. 如果MLS希望允许“即将到来”的上市,他们是否需要采用这种状态?

无论是明确的合作政策还是任何现有的NAR MLS政策都不要求采用“即将到来”的状态, “delayed status,” or similar handling. Implementation is left to a local determination. 全国各地的mls都将“即将到来”作为其明确合作政策实施的一部分, while others have decided not to. 像这样, 美国职业足球大联盟是否愿意在他们的市场上允许“即将到来”的状态仍然是当地的决定.




The policy does not interfere with the fiduciary duty owed to the seller. Prior to entering into a listing contract, listing brokers must explain their obligations under license laws, discrimination policies, local MLS rules, 和更多的, including the new requirement for the Clear Cooperation Policy. 这并不能阻止卖家在涉及隐私问题时免除他们的清单, 也不要求在互联网上发布和联合他们的财产, 但它确实触发了一项义务,即在2021十大正规彩票app公开销售时,通知其他MLS参与者和订户并与之合作. By publicly marketing the property, 卖方和上市经纪人已经确认,市场曝光符合客户的最佳利益. MLS参与者和订户应该宣传服务的消费者利益,以及它如何能带来最优惠的价格和最优惠的条款.

NAR常见问题说明该政策是专门针对住宅物业而采用的. The NAR 常见问题解答s further state that the policy excludes commercial properties, rental properties, and new construction developments. 虽然已经口头沟通,该政策并不适用于土地和面积, can it be stated in writing?

The obligations of MLS Statement 8.特别采用了0,以解决需要向服务机构提交的“待售”住宅独家上市合同的问题. 根据NAR顾问委员会的讨论,其中不包括商业地产, rental properties, 还有新建筑开发项目,包括多处房产(单户住宅), 公寓, 等.) Those property types, and other exclusive listings that require mandatory submission, can be included in the application of Statement 8.0 at local discretion. 我们可以把请求带回咨询委员会,考虑在现有的NAR常见问题中添加关于土地的具体语言. 然而, 美国职业足球大联盟, as a matter of local determination, 是否会继续将额外的物业类型纳入其强制提交政策的一部分,从而使“明确合作政策”适用于这些物业.


NAR的要求是在5月1日之前采用新政策,以继续获得保险覆盖. 如果有技术问题延迟实现辅助考虑,如“即将到来”状态, those were not under any mandate to be implemented by the May 1 deadline.