It may seem like clinging to clients and meeting their every whim will do the most for 你的底线. But if the behavior of a difficult client is starting to interfere with the rest of your business or life, 也许是时候结束这段关系了. 占用了你大量的精神空间, 难缠的客户剥夺了你服务其他客户的能力, 发展你的业务, 保持在你的标准之内.

“Every consumer deserves our most professional foot forward and our best 努力,克里斯汀·科雷亚说, 凯勒的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®. That means providing as much information as possible to help consumers make good decisions, 但如果他们不听你的话或者不讲道理, 走开, 科雷亚说.

Moving on from clients who don’t value your expertise helps you avoid referrals to similar clients. 这也为看重你的客户腾出了时间, 减轻压力, 并提供时间去寻找新的线索.

与客户分手是一种解脱的体验, 谢丽尔·贝利说, 科珀斯克里斯蒂的REALTOR®. 它也可以为你赢得尊重. 当你愿意说的时候, "我不是你的代理人,’ what you do is prove that you’re not all about making the sale but you’re truly about making the best real estate transaction for all parties,贝利说。.

坚持下去,抱着最好的希望并不总是一个好策略, 尤其是当放弃一个客户对你的生意有好处的时候. 以下是如何为你的企业设定标准, 认识到结束一段关系的好处, 在专业上与客户分道扬镳.


作为代理人, you should not only be willing to end a client relationship but be ready to, 乔迪·洛克辛说, 奥斯汀的REALTOR®. 她说,这样做并不可耻. 买家和卖家会根据他们的专业知识雇佣代理人, but if they’re unwilling to embrace your professional opinion and waste your time with unrealistic expectations, 你最好还是让他们走.

新代理商尤其不愿错过任何生意. But creating the habit that you’ll drop anything for clients can work against your career, 马特·梅纳德说, 奥斯汀的REALTOR®. “If clients show a wanton indifference to the standards and expectations you set, you’ll be better served using the time you would’ve spent with them prospecting for another client, 即使作为一个新探员,梅纳德说.


“建立标准和期望会让我们看起来更专业, 我们看起来就越专业, 客户就越有可能推荐我们,梅纳德说。. 对自己希望被怎样对待产生期望, 你能容忍什么样的行为, 你如何利用你的时间, and what interactions or requests you’ll accept are part of being a professional.

如果你为客户做了更多的事情, 交流得很好, 尊重他们, 而客户继续违反你的标准, 最好结束这段关系, 贝利说.


  • 滥用
  • 不信任
  • 不敬的言语
  • 敌意
  • 不尊重
  • 死缠烂打
  • 不切实际的期望
  • 不重视你的专业知识和时间
  • 错过约会
  • 无法沟通.

在定价或营销方面的持续分歧, 比一般的客户需要更多的时间和精力, and choosing not to participate in the process you’ve agreed upon are also signs a client relationship should be ended.

制定和维护标准的代理人越多, 他们的自我感觉就越好, 这也反映在他们的工作中, Menard说. “如果我们为如何利用我们的时间设定标准, 这样我们就有更多的时间来平衡我们的工作量, 平衡我们的生活, 为每个人创造更好的体验,他说.


Ending the relationship can free you from the burden and liability of working with a client who’s beyond help, Lockshin说. “It’ll free you up to be able to focus on the people who are viable and realistic and justify your time, 努力, 和能源.”

就像任何关系一样, 有毒的经历会溢出到其他领域, 影响其他客户端, 你的底线, 还有你的幸福. Continuing to work with problem clients can be a bigger risk than ending the relationship, 科雷亚说.

“Clients who consume your hours 和能源 affect your attitudes and your checkbook,梅纳德说. “如果你的态度不对,而你正在和别人打电话, 你没有达到最佳状态.” You’ll have a much better financial outcome getting rid of an emotionally draining client, he says.

“Our best gift we can give them is to continue to be professional even in their time of stress, 误解, 不听我们的,科雷亚说, “让他们有尊严,让我们有专业精神, 尊重, 和声誉.”


If saving the relationship isn’t feasible, end it as delicately and professionally as possible. 参考签署的协议, 告诉客户你有义务做什么, 法律规定你不能做的事, 为什么你不能满足他们的要求, 然后进行对话, 科雷亚说.

Failing to end the relationship on a positive note can open up the possibility of negative word-of-mouth or online reviews, which Menard说 can carry the same weight as referrals but in a negative way. “我们必须维护自己的声誉, 所以即使我们感到沮丧或失望, 我们得找个专业的方法来处理,他说.

“越来越多, 我们生活在一个评论盛行的时代, 尤其是负面评论, 似乎有了自己的生命,梅纳德说. “And people who leave negative reviews are often very passionate about it, 因此,找到一种外交方式来分离关系是很重要的.”

Menard uses the following script to help cut ties smoothly: “Despite my best 努力s, it seems like what you’re looking for doesn’t line up real well with the service that I provide. 我真的希望你们能找到点什么. I’d be happy to give you a list of other agents that you might be able to talk to.”


Bailey and Menard have both taken clients back—but only after sticking to their standards and enforcing their boundaries.

Being willing to 走开 showed her client she wasn’t only interested in the sale, 客户也不再质疑她的专业知识了, 贝利说. “你总是做正确的事,那么钱就会随之而来,”她说. “It was a wake up call for them to understand that I truly was about them and not the commission.”

During Menard’s transaction, his client lost her cool and made dis尊重ful comments.

在解释之后,他不能容忍那种行为, 他结束了这段关系,并2021十大正规彩票app她另找经纪人. 她回了电话,道了歉,然后梅纳德让她回去了. 此后,他又帮她买了一套房子.

“每个人都有一个穆里根,除非他们真的很讨厌和卑鄙, 然后, 它可能太多了,他说, “但是有一个很大的, 大的道歉. 我相信这是真诚的,我们能够解决这个问题.”

不管你接不接客户, it’s up to you to set standards for your business and stick to them in the face of disruptive clients. 没有哪个客户值得你牺牲自尊, 幸福, 以及你发展业务所需的能量. 如果你认为没有难缠的客户你的生意会更好, 在慈悲中分道扬镳, 尊重的方式保护你的原则和每个人的尊严.